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The death of Candy's dog foreshadows Lennie's death. There are lots of parallels: the dog is a faithful friend to Candy and Candy doesn't want to lose him. It's the others who urge him. He gives in when they convince him that otherwise the dog will only suffer. Later he admits to George that he should have shot the dog himself. That's what George then does to Lennie.

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12y ago

Candy and the dog are best mates. Been together forever, Candy takes most of the responsibility for them both but he loves the dog. George and Lennie are the same. George and Candy both love their companions but no one else sees room for them in society as they are not the best adapted to their surroundings. Candy's dog is shot by carlson as he doesn't see the point in him and Curley tries tio kill Lennie. The main thing though is the fcat Candy states he wish he had shot the dog himself making George learn from this mistake and Shoot Lennie. These relationships don't las and survival of the fittest are the main points. :)

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