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Q: What is the smallest functional unit of biosphere?
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What is the smallest functional and structural unit of protein?

The smallest structural unit of a protein is the amino acid. The smallest functional unit of a protein is a little ambiguous, because some might consider the amino acid to be functional (after all, some can function as neurotransmitters). Or, some might consider the peptide (di, tri, etc) to be a functional unit. One could argue what exactly is the smallest functional unit of a protein.

What is smallest structural and functional unit of the nervous system?


What Smallest functional unit of a living thing?


What are the smallest cells?

Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. The smallest cell is PPLO.

The smallest functional unit in which life is built upon is?

The cell is widely considered the smallest functional unit of life although some microbiologists also consider viruses but most most do not at this time.

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What is the smallest functional and structural unit of protein?

The smallest structural unit of a protein is the amino acid. The smallest functional unit of a protein is a little ambiguous, because some might consider the amino acid to be functional (after all, some can function as neurotransmitters). Or, some might consider the peptide (di, tri, etc) to be a functional unit. One could argue what exactly is the smallest functional unit of a protein.

What is the smallest functional unit of life called?

The cell

Is bowman's capsule smallest functional unit of kidney?

No, Bowman's capsule is not the kidney's smallest functional unit. That title belongs to the nephron, part of which is called Bowman's capsule.

What is smallest structural and functional unit of the nervous system?
