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Q: What is the soft part of your finger called?
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Is there a finger joint called anatomy?

No, but a finger joint is part of your anatomy.

What is the part of the pharynx called superior to the soft palate?

The part of the pharynx superior to the soft palate is called the nasopharynx. Cone shaped projection of a soft palate is a uvula.

What is the part of the pharynx superior to the soft palate is called?

The part of the pharynx superior to the soft palate is called the nasopharynx. Cone shaped projection of a soft palate is a uvula.

What part of the human soft palate is missing in the fetal pig?

The uvula- it is a finger like process that hangs down from the center of the soft palate posteriorly.

What is the soft part of a fruit called?

The inner part of a fruit is often called the pulp.

What is the soft part in your bones?

It is called a cartilage