

What is the study of teeth?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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Dentists and Orthodontists are two areas dealing with the study of teeth. However, if you are looking for a term for the study of teeth, such as how Biology is the study of life, then according to Google, it is Dentition.

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Continue Learning about Zoology

What forensic odontology is the study of?

Teeth. When a body is left in an unidentifiable state, the odontologists identify the person by looking at his/her dental records, his/her teeth, etc.

How do scientists learn about extinct animals?

Through the science of archiology. They dig up the bones and other remains of animals, reassemble them kinda like a 3-D jigsaw puzzle, and study the skeletal sructure of the animal. This gives a lot of general information. They then study individual parts of the skeleton to learn some more detailed things. The teeth for instance will tell if they were an herbavore (with flat grinding teeth), a carnavor (with sharp cutting teeth), or an omnivor, with a combination of types of teeth (like humans have)

What does zoology have to do with dentistry?

Nothing. ^ (Zoology is the study of animals... you talk about the animals teeth in Zoology but besides that Zoology is basic animal anatomy, habitats, and other animal relations)

What are ant's teeth called?

Ants don't have teeth in the way that humans and other mammals have teeth. They have jaws called mandibles and maxillae, and those jaws have pointy bits on the part with which the ant bites. (Human jaws are also called mandibles and maxillae, but they are quite different.) The pointy bits on ants' jaws are usually called teeth, even by entomologists, the people who study insects. However, many such jaws have rows of teeth like a saw blade, and then we say that the jaw is serrated and the teeth may be called serrations. If you want to be technical, you can call one such tooth a dens, and could speak of dentes when there are many. Both words are from the Latin for tooth, from which we also get the word "dentist". If the teeth are very small, they can be called "denticles".

How strong are jaguar's teeth?

jaguars teeth are the strongest teeth