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The limited throughput between the CPU and memory.

The amount of work that a CPU can get done in the time that it takes to retrieve a piece of information from memory is increasing. As this increases, the amount of time a CPU spends waiting for data to be fetched from memory (i.e. "doing nothing") outpaces the amount of time the CPU spends doing actual work. Thus, a faster CPU no longer translates to a faster computer - the limiting part ("bottleneck") of the computer becomes the throughut (bandwidth and latency) between the CPU and memory. This is the "Von Neumann Bottleneck".

It is called the "Von Neumann" bottleneck because it's a potential bottleneck on computers that use "von neumann architecture" (see: ), which is pretty much every general purpose computer in existence today.

The concept of the "Von Nuemann Bottleneck" has been receiving increased attention lately, as many people feel that it is becoming a problem that will only be overcome with fundamental design changes in computer and/or CPU architecure.

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What is the main difference between a von neumann and a Harvard machine?

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What distinguishes the EDSAC from the previous computer?

EDSAC(1947 - 1949) Von Neumann designed the electronic discrete variable automatic computer(EDSAC) with a memory to hold a stored pogram as well as datas to.

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Analog computer Digital computer Hybrid computer Harvard architecture Von Neumann architecture Complex instruction set computer Reduced

Explain van neumann architecture of computer system?

John Von Neumann's: One shared memory for instructions (program) and data with one data bus and one address bus between processor and memory. Instructions and data have to be fetched in sequential order (known as the Von Neumann Bottleneck), limiting the operation bandwidth. Its design is simpler than that of the Harvard architecture. It is mostly used to interface to external memory.explain correctly what is von neumann concept?an automatic programmable computer using a single shared common memory for storing both instructions and data.This is in contrast to Harvard Architecture, which is an automatic programmable computer using two physically separate memories for storing instructions and data.Most modern computers use a mixture of both: the CPU itself is Harvard, getting instructions and data from two physically separate caches; but the system as a whole is von Neumann, loading both caches from a single common shared memory.

Can a business process is reengineered without the support of information technology Explain?

Without IT, business processes can reengineered but with bottleneck.

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