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there is a huge number of organisms in the soil. many many different kind of microorganisms (bacteria) and there are fungis, decomposers (earth worms, slaters) and there are things like moles and other larger organisms living within the soil.

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14y ago

Plants, insects, small animals, people, elephants (really hard on most gardens), fish, bacteria, yeast, molds, fungus. "Can be in" is way different than "normally found in".

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11y ago

we mean non-living things a lot; i.e,does who do not show living characters of livings. These can be- SOIL ,WATER and AIR.

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animals and plants

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Q: What living things can be in a garden?
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What are the living things can be in garden?

The non living things in a garden are rocks , and if there is any artifiacal items like pipe,light or anything else it is not living thing.And the fence also......

What are the non living things in the garden?

The non living things in a garden are rocks , and if there is any artifiacal items like pipe,light or anything else it is not living thing.And the fence also......

What are the non living things in a garden?

The non living things in a garden are rocks , and if there is any artifiacal items like pipe,light or anything else it is not living thing.And the fence also......

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Living: flowers, weeds, bugs, worms, slugs Non Living: soil, rocks, fertilizer, stakes

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Ocean floor.. Under rocks.. Rainforests... EVERYWHERE. Plants, animals and possibly some species of rocks (joking), are living things. They're everywhere, your a living thing, the plants in the garden are living things, and chances are theres a bunch of living things in your ceiling. =)

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Some living things that you might see in a school garden or the pond would be is the plants, flowers, and animals. Though they would not be the same. In ponds, you might find cattails, water lilies, fish, frogs, etc. In a school garden you might find vegetables, herbs, earthworms, bees, flowers, etc. Some non-living things you might see are rocks, water, soil, etc.