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the sun doesn't orbit a star because it never moves as planets and stars orbit it because the sun is a big ball of gas and is not solid as the planets that orbit it .but i don't really know if the stars are made solid as i don't think it was proved but then how would they know that the blue stars are actually the hot ones and the red are the cold .hmm...i bet lots of people died finding that out.and...oh man i think i have explained anoutgh but I'll ave u know that a 11and a half year old just answered that!

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Q: What orbits a star other than the sun?
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What is a planetlike body that orbits a star other than the sun?

An "extra solar planet" is the term given to a planetlike body that orbits a star other than the sun. Though these may be the same as planets in our own solar system, this term gives a clear indication that these planets belong to another sun.

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No. A moon is not a planet. An exoplanet is aplanet that orbits a star other than the sun.

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we know that the star that earth orbits is the sun the sun is the biggest star ever

What planet orbits a star other then the sun?

There are lots of them, called exoplanets.

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They have their own orbits, around the star they formed around, just like how our planet orbits our sun.

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The sun is a star. A star is a luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. A planet orbits a star, such as the Earth which orbits the Sun.