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It is difficult to provide an exact percentage as public opinion on health care reform can vary over time and across different surveys. However, various polls conducted in recent years have shown that the percentage of Americans opposing health care reform ranges from around 30% to 50%. Factors such as political affiliation and personal beliefs on the role of government in healthcare can influence these opinions.

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10y ago

It is a good approximation to say that the American people are evenly divided over the health care bill. According to a recent Gallup poll 49% approve of the HCR bill vs 40% disapprove. Also according to a March 2010 poll by Kaiser 46% approve of the bill vs 40% disapproval. See related links for more info.

Virtually all of America wants true reform. The issue that over 50% of America is against was the theft of 1/6th of our economy and the rationing that must occur with this bill. Unfortunately, Congress didn't care about what our society wanted and the President is equally against want we want. November is coming to help relieve this situation. I is unfortunate that nether of our current political system is interested in us. Pandering to the foolish and destroying our economy for their own gains is sad and criminal. We all agree we need reform, most of us were just against the takeover and rationing in the current bill. The Gallup poll is the most interesting as it shows just how partisan the issue is. Neither side is interested in the average American, but their own special interests.

Poll results vary wildly depending on the website in most cases it is because of the margin of error. It cannot be said either way if America supports or rejects this bill. Therefore it is an accurate statement to say the country is evenly split over the topic of health insurance reform.

Latest polls say nearly 60% of Americans want nothing to do with Obamacare.

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