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DNA is the polymer that carries genetic information from one generation to another.

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Q: What polymers carry the information for cell growth and reproduction from one generation to another?
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What is the packet of instructions passed from one generation to another in all creatures that determines there identity?

It's called DNA.

What is good cow sense?

It's another word for common sense when working around cows. It refers to primarily knowing the behaviour and psychology of cattle, but it can also refer to the health, reproduction and feeding of cattle.

How do planaria reproduce?

Planaria are hermaphrodites, possessing both testicles and ovaries. Thus, one of their gametes will combine with the gamete of another planarian. This type of gamete fusion is sexual reproduction because it involves the formation and fusion of gametes. In asexual reproduction, the planarian detaches its tail end and each half regrows the lost parts by regeneration, allowing neoblasts (adult stem cells) to divide and differentiate. However, several problems can occur with this, so this does not happen often. Instead, in sexual reproduction, each planarian transports its excretion to the other planarian, giving and receiving sperm. Eggs develop inside the body and are shed in capsules. Weeks later, the eggs hatch and grow into adults. Sexual reproduction is desirable because it enhances the survival of the species by increasing the level of genetic diversity.

How might an animal be free moving at one stage in its life and sessile at another?

A species which has a free moving *generation* and a sessil one.

The advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction is better in one way. You need no one else to reproduce. Yet the Nature likes variation on tries to improve in some ways. the answer is sexual reproduction. In fact we can look at it asexually. Let us say we have two separate organisms. They want to create another organism but that that would share some common characteristics of its parent and some extras. Extras being characteristics of each parent to make up for their ego desire. Also some other extra could be unspecified. The last change might be not very significant. Just like shape of a little finger or like or dislike certain tastes. sexual reproduction though has still another function. Each organism has to become attractive to another chosen one so can be accepted. That behaviour is the basis of all social interactions. The most complex including, the ones which on the surface run against personal interests. Ambition "forcing" some one to exert oneself despite lack of immediate reward is one of the examples. There are many reasons why sexual reproduction is better than asexual, yet the most prominent are the two mentioned above and repeated here: Collaborative genome sequencing under strict anti mutant rules and fundamental forces behind complex social behaviours not possible among other creatures reproducing in different way, simply because they don't have to try to please another being - organism to mate.