

What precautions must be observed in IV therapy?

Updated: 12/24/2023
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Lvl 1
12y ago

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There are several precautions that should be observed in IV therapy, including:

  1. Proper hand hygiene: Healthcare providers should always wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers before performing any IV procedure to prevent the spread of infection.

  2. Sterile technique: IV equipment and materials, including fluids, needles, and catheters, should be sterile to avoid the risk of infection. Healthcare providers should follow sterile techniques during the entire IV procedure.

  3. Correct IV line placement: The selection of the appropriate vein for IV insertion is crucial to minimize complications. The healthcare provider should carefully assess the patient's veins and choose an appropriate site.

  4. Monitoring for potential complications: Constant monitoring of the IV site is essential to identify any signs of infection, infiltration, or phlebitis. Common signs to watch for include redness, swelling, pain, and warmth at the injection site.

  5. Regular infusion rate assessment: Healthcare providers should regularly monitor the infusion rate to prevent overhydration or clotting of the IV line. This is particularly important when administering certain medications or fluids that have specific infusion rate requirements.

  6. Proper IV catheter and tubing care: The IV catheter insertion site and tubing should be kept clean and free from contamination. The dressing around the catheter should be observed for any signs of loosening or wetness, which could indicate infection or dislodgment.

  7. Securement of the IV line: The IV line and catheter should be securely taped or anchored to prevent accidental dislodgment or infiltration.

  8. Checking for Allergies and compatibility: Before administering IV fluids or medications, healthcare providers should review the patient's medical history and check for any known allergies or contraindications. It is crucial to ensure that the fluids and medications being administered are compatible and safe for the patient.

  9. Maintain aseptic technique during administration: During the administration of IV fluids or medications, healthcare providers should maintain aseptic technique by wearing gloves, using sterile equipment, and avoiding unnecessary touch or manipulation of the IV line.

  10. Proper disposal of used materials: All used IV equipment, including needles, tubing, and gloves, should be disposed of properly in designated biohazard containers to prevent accidental needle stick injuries and the spread of infections.

It is important for healthcare professionals to follow these precautions to ensure the safety and effectiveness of IV therapy and minimize the risk of complications.

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12y ago

Patients receiving IV therapy need to be monitored to ensure that the IV solutions are providing the correct amounts of fluids and minerals needed. People with kidney and Heart disease are at increased risk

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