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Q: What simple machines make up a conveyor belt?
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How do you make a conveyor belt?

A conveyor belt is usually a flexible belt (rubber, plastic sheet, metal links, etc) that is passed around 2 or more rollers. One or more of the rollers is powered which makes the belt move. If you put something on the belt it is "conveyed." Typically there are also tensioners, a support system, etc. The decision to make or buy will depend on your application and budget but it would not be simple to put together a really good conveyer from scratch.

How many simple machines are to make to make a compound machine?

6 simple machines.

How many simple machines are needed to make a compound machines?

6 simple machines.

What material is used to make a drive belt?

pls use our conveyor belt repair material, further see

What machines do you use to make cell phones?

Plastic molding machines; soldering machines; computer machines; humans; assembly machines; cooling machines; heating machines; electric machines; labeling machines; laser machines; conveyor machines.... etc.

How do you do level 11 on pigstacks?

Get rid of the hay stack so the pig rolls onto the conveyor belt then click the other haystack and make sure the block of wood lands onto the conveyor belt to stop the pig from going onto the other conveyor belt. Then it lands on the floor and you pass level eleven.