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flagellar stain

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Q: What staining procedure makes use of pararosanaline?
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What is the best use of negative staining?

size and shape

Why do biologists use different stains?

A lot of tissue is the same colour and density: have you ever look at glass under water, it is much the same thing. Staining things makes different things take on colour and they can be seen much more clearly. I believe the first medical staining was done by Doctor Erhlich in working with the tuberculosis bacterium.

What kind of stain use in histology?

It depends on what tissue you're looking at, what you want to stain, how the tissue has been stored... Besides very specific staining, there are different types of staining. For example, immunohistochemistry, which uses antibodies to stick coloured stains to cell surface receptors. Or, chemical staining - the most common is H&E staining (haemotoxylin & eosin), so if you're just having fun in a lab and want to see general structures of cells, use this one.

What are the advantages of the simple stain technique over the negative stain technique?

Negative staining has a dark contrasted background and the bacteria is white. Simple staining has a white background and bacteria is the color depended on your stain color.Negative staining when prepared is NOT heat fixed but simple staining when prepared is heat fixed. Heat fixed means when preparing slide with bacteria on it, it is passed over some type of flame, like a Bunsen burner flame, three times or four times.

The what describes the steps you use during an experiment?

the answer is procedure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck if you are having trouble.

Related questions

Why gram staining classified as differential staining?

Differential staining is the procedure that are used to distinguish organism based on their staining properties. Use of gram stain divide bacteria into two classes - gram positive which retain crystal violet stain purple colour, gram negative which lose their crystal violet and give pink colour. By this method we can differentiate two different types of bacteria having different cell wall composition that is the reason gram staining used widely as differential staining

Why is Gram staining classified as differential staining?

Differential staining is the procedure that are used to distinguish organism based on their staining properties. Use of gram stain divide bacteria into two classes - gram positive which retain crystal violet stain purple colour, gram negative which lose their crystal violet and give pink colour. By this method we can differentiate two different types of bacteria having different cell wall composition that is the reason gram staining used widely as differential staining

What is the best use of negative staining?

size and shape

What advantage can be gained from staining cells?

they are easier to see when you use a microscope

Do you use sanding sealer before or after staining?

Stain first, seal afterwards.

Why gram staining is classified as differential staining?

Differential staining is the procedure that are used to distinguish organism based on their staining properties. Use of gram stain divide bacteria into two classes - gram positive which retain crystal violet stain purple colour, gram negative which lose their crystal violet and give pink colour. By this method we can differentiate two different types of bacteria having different cell wall composition that is the reason gram staining used widely as differential staining