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low gravity and lacking an atmosphere

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Jaunita Hand

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Q: What two things that are necessary for life are not found on the moon?
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What two things are necessary for life are not found on the moon?

low gravity and lacking an atmosphere

What things are found on the moon and are not found on the Earth?

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What insects were found on surface of moon?

None. There is no life on the moon.

What are the things that the moon is made of?

The moon is made of rock much like that found on Earth.

Does water in moon?

For now there is none as we found no ice on the moon. But if there is there might be a chance that the moon contains life.

Why wouldn't you find fossils on the moon?

Because theirs no life on the moon so no things could dissolve into the soil which there is none on the moon for the things to metamorphosis into fossils