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it was hot and there were a lot of mosquitoes. It was horrible.

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Q: What was a typical day like on the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
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What were the differences between Lewis and Clark with Zebulon Pike?

Pike was the leader of one group that was sent out to explore the west. Lewis and Clark were the leader of the other group. In the end they return but Pike was not and much as a hero like Lewis and Clark. They just wanted to please Jefferson.

Who was York in the Lewis and Clark journey?

His name was York, and he was Clark's slave, willed to him by his father. He was born circa 1770 and he was born into slavery as both his mother Rose and his father York were already slaves of the Clark family. But Clark did not like to refer to him as a "slave", so in the journals he called him "my servant". The two men had grown up together, and Clark trusted him completely. York was tall, strong, a valuable member of the expedition, and devoted to Clark, who freed him when they returned to St. Louis. Subsequently Clark set him up in the draying business.

What did Lewis and Clark encounter on their expedition?

Although they "encountered" MANY things, the most important, were the Tribes (the people). Taking the journey, 200 years later, I found the PEOPLE to be the story. The Corps learned a lot about themselves, I'm sure, but the Tribes...native to this land, taught them even more. They take care of each other, and took care in helping the original "Corps", and ours, on our way. Special friendships come from journeys like this...friendships like no other. Peace and Friendship, Churchill Clark

What is the name of the only black man in the corps discovery?

His name was York, and he was Clark's slave, willed to him by his father. But Clark did not like to refer to him as slave, so in the journals he just called him "my servant". The two men had grown up together. York was tall, strong, a valuable member of the expedition, and devoted to Clark, who freed him when they returned to St. Louis. Subsequently Clark set him up in the draying business.

Why did Clark bring York on the expedition?

From an early age, York was assigned to Clark as a body servant. Like most slave body servants, he was probably more often with Clark than with anyone else. Clark most likely brought York not only because it was York's assigned duty anyway, but also because he was an already trusted companion. There's no way of knowing how long York accompanied Clark during the years Clark spent in the army, but it was not unusual for body slaves to accompany their masters into military service.

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What were Lewis and Clark looking for on the expedition?

thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and clark on an expedition to find out what the west was really like and to find a new water route

How was Lewis and clark expedition path like?

Wow. Bad grammar kills. *Clark. ChaCha on!

What was the secret purpose of the Lewis and clark expedition?

explore what the land was like

What did Lewis and Clark sleep in on their expedition?

Lewis and Clark had to sleep on there expedition because that was the only place they could sleep it is not like they can go to a home and sleep there thanks for reading and good luck to you

What was the first winter like during the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Almost starve

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They both traveled a long way