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Q: What will you attain in the balance of nature?
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Why is the balance in nature necessary?

Balance in nature is important mostly because if the food chain. If something else didn't exist, like a carnivore for example, the animals they prey on would become overpopulated. All animals also have a purpose in nature, so the world would not be right if any one animal was not there. Everything in nature effects another thing, so balance in nature is very necessary.

Why is there a need to maintain balance of nature?

The question is understandable, but the word 'should' is problematic. Nature is under no artificial obligation to 'maintain equilibrium'. Maintaining equilibrium is a human concept, and more an expression of what is observed in nature rather than some unseen restriction on nature. From the point of view of classical sciences, forces will distribute themselves and will affect whatever they encounter according to the standard laws of motion and energy.Quantum theory brings some of these 'fixed' conclusions of classical science into question at least in theory, and in some surprising ways that have been verified. It is not that nature should maintain equilibrium, but that there are determinable probabilities that things will remain as there are, along with probabilities that even wildly different conditions could exist.

Why do snakes exist?

Snakes exist because they are one part of the nature and our planet. And why couldn't they exist?! The same is to ask: why do people exist? Snakes aren't bad. They help to keep the balance in the nature.

Can ants take over the world?

Ants are a necessary part of our environment. They keep other bug populations in check and in certain spots like the Amazon are extremely important to the balance of nature. However, they cannot take over the world.

What is a sensitivity balance in science?

Sensitivity balance in science is exactly what it sounds like it would be. It is the balance that is used to detect minute changes in substances.

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They are formed to attain a balance octet configuration

How does balance of nature biodiversity?

by preserving our nature

How can you help to maintain the balance of the nature?

Internal harmony and internal balance are believed to be required to maintain peace, and harmony and balance in nature. This is sometimes referred to as World Balance or World Harmony.

How do you maintain the balance of nature by essay writing?

Essay writing, of itself, can not maintain the balance of nature.

How you can help to maintain the balance of the nature?

Balance of nature can be maintain by avoiding deforestation but practicing afforestation.

Why you should preserve the balance of nature?

To order to survive and also to have a clean and well balance nature.