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Well, Tendons help us walk, so you wouldn't be able to walk.

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You would not be able to move those bones and would not be able to do anything.

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8y ago

If there were no tendons attached to your bones, muscles would not be able to work to move the bones. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons.

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Q: What would happen if there were no tendons attached to your bones?
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What is the name of muscles attached to the bones of the skeleton?

.. the muscles attached the bones in your body help move the body around if you didnt have any muscles in your bodyall you would be was bones basicly. .. but ... i dont know what the muscles are called that are attached the the bones in the body of a human and or animal

How are tendons important for bone movement?

Tendons are connective tissues that attach muscles to bones. They play a crucial role in bone movement by transmitting the force generated by the muscles to the bones, causing them to move. Without tendons, the force produced by the muscles would not be effectively transferred to the bones, impairing movement.

How a muscles attach to a bones?

Musclesare connected tobonesby tendons, whereas bones are connected to bonesby ligaments.Skeletal muscle is a form of striated muscle tissue which is under the control of the somatic nervous system ; that is to say, it is voluntarily controlled. It is one of three major muscle types, the others being cardiac and smooth muscle . As their name suggests, most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons .

What would happen if you did not have muscles attached to your bones?


What would happen if muscles were not attached to the bones?

You would not be able to move those bones and would not be able to do anything.

Ligaments that connect bones are anchored to the?

the answer would be bones ligaments join bones together bonesMuscles, tendons, ligaments and joints all work together to produce movement due to the fact that they are all attached.