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Being a modern human.

Specifically "engineering" might be a term for such a process.

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Q: What would you call a person that puts scientific knowledge into practical use?
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The use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes is called?

One contributor has suggested that "Technology" is the answer. Here are some additional ways we could consider this question:EngineeringInnovationEntrepreneurshipEngineering gets my vote because it is about application of the scientific knowledge. Wikipedia provides a good definition of Engineering:Engineering is the science, skill, and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and also build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes.Innovation is a good description of this practical use of knowledge because it supports the adoption of the technology across society at large through market mechanisms.So that we avoid having too lofty a view of science and technology, we should remember that on a daily basis, a farmer makes practical use of scientific knowledge and the technologies relating to chemistry and physics.Thus, taking JB Say's 1803 definition of "Entrepreneur" (An economic agent who unites all means of production) we could rightly say that a farmer is an entrepreneur, and the farmer's work is based on the practical use of scientific knowledge.

How are science and scientific knowledge and technology are related?

science creates knowledge, knowledge allows the creation of working technology, technology that works changes the world Without science, our "knowledge" would be filled with unreality and technology created from the errors would not work.

What is an example of the difference between science and superstition?

There are many such examples. If a person becomes sick, a superstitious explanation could be that an evil witch has cast a spell on that person. The scientific explanation may be that the disease is caused by a bacterial infection. The superstitious explanation is not based on fact, only on paranoia. The scientific explanation would be based on actual medical knowledge, and observation of the sick person.

If you wanted to learn more about ancient scientific knowledge whose life would you research?

Ibn al-Haytham's

What is the adjective form of science?

I take your meaning to be, the definition of "Science". Adverbs modify, or model a word. So the adverbial phase, or clause, of "Science", would be the definition.noun: science1.the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."the world of science and technology"synonyms: branch of knowledge, body of knowledge/information, area of study,

Related questions

The use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes is called?

One contributor has suggested that "Technology" is the answer. Here are some additional ways we could consider this question:EngineeringInnovationEntrepreneurshipEngineering gets my vote because it is about application of the scientific knowledge. Wikipedia provides a good definition of Engineering:Engineering is the science, skill, and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and also build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes.Innovation is a good description of this practical use of knowledge because it supports the adoption of the technology across society at large through market mechanisms.So that we avoid having too lofty a view of science and technology, we should remember that on a daily basis, a farmer makes practical use of scientific knowledge and the technologies relating to chemistry and physics.Thus, taking JB Say's 1803 definition of "Entrepreneur" (An economic agent who unites all means of production) we could rightly say that a farmer is an entrepreneur, and the farmer's work is based on the practical use of scientific knowledge.

Is a computer an abstract noun?

The word technology is an abstract noun, a word for the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means; the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes; a word for a concept. The things created as a result of technology are are concrete nouns, things ranging from a lever to a computer. Sometimes the objects themselves are referred to as technology.

Scientific and unscientific method of acquiring knowledge?

That would be a positivist approach, using numerical, quantitative data - scientific The unscientific would be the opposite.

Explanation based on scientific knowledge resulting from numerous observations and experiements?

Scientific Theory! ------- Induction.. also it is made up of a... claim ,data ,and science knowledge

Why did Hellenistic thinkers make important advance in the science and mathematics?

For the mathematicians and scientists of ancient Greece, the motive was intellectual recreation more than the solving of practical problems. Later in history a great many practical problems have been solved by the use of mathematical and scientific knowledge developed in ancient Greece (and greatly expanded in subsequent eras) but at the time no one knew or anticipated that such uses would ever be found for abstract knowledge. It was just interesting. They built upon the earlier Greek, Babylonia and Egyptians knowledge.

What does the quote you are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid mean?

It actually takes effort to be a stupid person, and that if even left automatic we would gain at least some knowledge of what is practical.