it is because the constellations that were around
As the Sky God and Ruler of the Heavens, his favorite color was sky-blue.
Thor was the Norse god of the sky and thunder. He was the son of Odin, the patron god of the Norse people.===========All the Aesir were gods of the sky. Odin was God of the wind, Heimdall the rainbow, Frigga the clouds. Thor was of lightning and thunder. Tyr is the pillar who holds up the sky. The Vanir are gods of the land.
Zeus was the god of the sky, clouds, and rain.
People did not invent God. God has always been.
He(God for you) didn't.
The Roman god of the sky is Jupiter, and the Greek god of the sky is Zeus.
He invented the telescope.
Saturn was the Roman god of the sky.
Zeus was the greek god of the sky.