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NASA launched its Gemini mission on November 11, 1966, 3:46:33 p.m

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Q: When did NASA launch its Gemini mission?
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NASA mission control headquarters is located in Houston, Texas. Every launch takes place here. Then they are monitored by them as well.

When did Gemini 6-7 US astronauts complete 1st space rendezvous?

The original Gemini 6 was scheduled to launch on October 25, 1965. It was planned as the first docking in space, however that mission was cancelled after their Agena Target Vehicle suffered a catastrophic failure six minutes after leaving the launch pad and exploded. Rendezvous was considered so important that it was decided to change the Gemini 6 mission to a rendezvous mission instead. Immediately after the Gemini 7 launch on December 4, 1965, preparations were underway to launch Gemini 6. On December 12, Gemini 6 was on the pad and ready for launch. The engine fired and immediately shutdown when a plug fell out of the bottom of the rocket. The problem was fixed and Gemini 6 finally launched on the morning of December 15, 1965. Gemini 6 achieved rendezvous that afternoon. After stationkeeping for 3 orbits, Gemini 6 fired its engine to separate from Gemini 7. The following day, Gemini 6 splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean. It was the first recovery to be televised live.

What NASA flight liftoff was in 1980?

The first STS mission, with the first Space Shuttle launch (Columbia)

What Nasa mission had a two man group first?

The Gemini III spacecraft, carrying Astronauts Gus Grissom (Command Pilot) and John Young, was the first NASA mission to carry 2 members on the same flight. Astronaut Gordon Cooper was the last American to go into Space alone.The Gemini I and II crafts were both test platforms prior to the Manned Flight orbits of the Gemini III.

Have NASA launched an emergency shuttle mission July 2010?

No. The next shuttle mission - which will be the next-to-last shuttle launch - is scheduled for October, 2010.