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Phenotype. The physical expressed characteristics of an organisms genotype is known as its phenotype. Two organisms may have the same phenotype, but different genotype depending on the dominate or recessive genes present. Just remember physical=pheno.

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Q: When genetics refer to the physical characteristics of an organism they are talking about its what?
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When geneticists refers to the physical characteristics of an organism they are talking about what?

morphology. The developmental form, shape, and expression of genetics in terms of organization and growth.

What geneticists refer to the physical characteristics of an organism they are talking about its?


When geneticists refer to the physical characteristic of an organism they are talking about its?

It's phenotype. ( also includes behavioral characteristics )

What is the length of time an organism is expected to survive?

That depends entirely on which organism you are talking about, and any interventions taken to shorten or extend said organisms life.

When geneticists refer to an organisms genetic makeup they are talking about its what?

The organism's GENOTYPE.

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When geneticists refers to the physical characteristics of an organism they are talking about what?

morphology. The developmental form, shape, and expression of genetics in terms of organization and growth.

What geneticists refer to the physical characteristics of an organism they are talking about its?


When geneticists refer to the physical characteristics of an organism thay are talking about its?

Phenotype. ( also includes behavior of organism )

When geneticists refer to the physical characteristic of an organism they are talking about its?

It's phenotype. ( also includes behavioral characteristics )

When geneticists refer to the physical characterictics of an organism they are talking about its?

phenotype (ph)ysical - (ph)enotype

Is talking an organism?

An organism is a living thing!!!! Does talking live? NO!!!