

When were humans created?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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AnswerAccording to geneologies and given human lifespans from The Bible, humans were created about 6,000 years ago.

According to modern science, modern humans (Homo sapiens) first appeared 200,000 years ago, with the earliest humans (the first in the genus Homo) appearing between 5 and 7 million years ago.

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Q: When were humans created?
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What two types of humans are created in Brave New World?

In Brave New World, there are two types of humans created: the genetically engineered and intellectually limited lower caste humans, known as the Epsilons, and the highly intelligent and genetically superior upper caste humans, known as the Alphas. The Epsilons are programmed to perform menial tasks and lack intellectual capabilities, while the Alphas are assigned high-status positions and are encouraged to engage in intellectual pursuits.

From where does first human came?

This question is currently unanswerable. The creationists say God created humans. Evolutionists say that through evolution Humans evolved from apelike creatures. No fossils are found that supports the evolution from Apelike forefathers. Ancient Alien theoreticians say that Humans were created by Aliens in a far past (e.g. Zecharia Sitchin). Genetics showed that Humanity as we know it stem from one female.

Can anyone name something that is completely useless to humans and prove that the Earth was not 'created' for humans?

......mosquitoes, rats, ticks, fleas, cockroaches and pathogens. And the appendix - it serves no anatomical purpose, but can still make you ill, i.e. appendicitis.

Where did modern humans evolve?

We are modern humans, we live all over the planet in various situations but I think the most distinctive habitat that we have is that which we have created - urban cities. The most archetypal of which must be New York.

Were the Caveman first or the dinosaurs first?

The Dinosaurs.When the dinosaurs were alive, no humans had been created yet.When the dinosaurs died, human came to earth, thus the caveman.

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