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yes you are even though you are not in the shower you are still wasting water

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Q: When you leave the shower running are you wasting the water?
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Why do people in college waste water by leaving their shower on even after they are done taking their shower?

I report them to the front desk and have them expelled from college for wasting water like that. they should not waster water like that it is totally inappropriate. I know i hate when people finish their shower, then leave the shower water running on, and then they close the curtain so people on the outside think there is someone still in there but there isn't. I hate that feeling so much. Its like a ghost is taking a shower because you look down and you see no feet there but the water is running and the curtain is closed. I think you should no only report the guy for leaving the water running on but also to report him for making other people think there is someone in there but there isn't. I mean fooling people like that and making them think there is someone in the shower because the water is on the curtain is closed is just plain RUDE!!! It is inconsiderate of others because then those people have to wait for the person to be done with their shower and yet thre is no on in there. Its totally inconsiderate. I say you go and report the vandal for that and have him expelled from the college.

Why you are running out of water?

Because we are wasting it. There is only a limited supply of fresh water we can use. :(

What causes variable hot water temperatures while a shower is running and no other water is running?

means you are running out of hot water

Why are the everglades losing water?

because people are wasting water and there is none left for the everglades also cause of people leaving the water on or taking a long shower

How are we running out of water?

Water can run out because we are wasting it. We should use it more wisely so we won't run out of water.

How do I fix my shower faucet?

Remove the shower head and clean out anything that might be blocking it, such as hair or debris. Replace the shower head and turn on the water; the water should be running.