There are in the big holes.
There are no large bodies of water on the moon (or even small ones). There are areas called 'seas' though they are not seas as we know them on earth.
The lunar 'seas' are flat plains made up of dried volcanic rock which were orignially lava when the moon was geologically active.
The dark patches on the moon were once thought to be seas and are called maria (Latin for `seas`). These are not actual seas containing water but are plains formed by ancient volcanic eruptions on the lunar surface.
The craters are named after seas because scientist believed that there are seas before on the moon base on the craters depth but are now crystallized.
There are no seas on the Moon, but it was believed that there were.
He thought it was covered in seas because of the craters on the moon.
The seas on the moon are not like earth's seas. They do not contain water and are the same grey color as the rest of the moon.
astronauts thought the moon was flat ,so they called some areas,seas.
mountains ,craters and seas