Snakes will seek out shelter to have a place to rest, breed, and hunt. Common places snakes are found include overgrown grass, dense brush or shrubs, leaf piles, rock piles, compost, or areas with moisture like underneath bird baths, around leaky faucets and hoses, or near ponds or Swimming Pools. I also have a video that will give you more insight about snakes habitat, click on the link to watch the video.
Snake Habitat
Snakes have many habitats, but the most common habitats are in trees and underground. dont you think this awnser needs editing?
pretty much anywhere. it really depends on the snake.
snakes normally live in the rainforest's as Python's have ask a snakes habitat well they actually hang out in tree's waiting or a bird to come along, they also stay still on the ground to wait for there prey and camouflage so they done really have a habitat!!Different snakes have different habitats, but some live in the desert, others the rain forest, but if you've found one it's likely alright with some dirt, grass and rocks.The snakes habitat is a housr with a rocking chiar the snakes habitat is a dry bushie area were it can brow under ground or sun bake and some sors or food and water
a frogs habitat has wet marshy watera frogs habitat has frogsa frogs habitat has wet grassa frogs habitat has probably trees and tree stumpsa frogs habitat has snakes maybe
people are always killing and destroying their habitat.
The roadrunner has a desert habitat. Its niche is the place it holds in that habitat. The roadrunner's niche in its habitat is as a consumer. The roadrunner is an omnivore living on snakes and plants.
The habitat of the grass snake varies from open woodland to pond edges. In the winter, grass snakes go underground to escape freezing temperatures.
The viper snakes' natural habitat is the rainforest.
it is fine
in the desert
well it is great.
well it is great.