

Where most blood in body?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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In women, the corpus luteum (that lasts 12-14 days after ovulation) has the highest blood supply and is integral in helping a woman conceive.

Outside of that, the kidneys in both men and women receive the most blood in proportion to the person's weight. The kidneys receive 20-25% of cardiac output.

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11y ago

Most of your blood is in circulation, and the center/core of your body which is the most essential for life holds the most blood at any given time. This is partially due to the size of the blood vessels, which get largest just before feeding the heart. The veins also start at their largest size directly after the heart pumps blood out to them and they have smaller and smaller diameters as they get farther from the heart - BUT there are equally MORE of the vessels at this point so the same approximate amount of blood is held at just about any point regardless of distance from the heart. (when the heart is not contracting and is fully filled, it only holds a little under 25% of the body's total blood supply.) Having blood in your heart is not the most vital part of the circulatory system's function, instead having the majority of the blood supplying nutrients to starving cells everywhere in your body, and disposing of their waste products (the Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide portion is completed when the blood passes through the vessels of the lungs and exchanges the used/toxic CO2 for the fresh O2!

When your "fight or flight" (aka. sympathetic nervous system) kicks in the blood vessels in your extremities dilate, allowing more blood to be supplied to your hands and feet to better fight or run (flight) this changes the dynamic a bit obviously. Also when the opposite "rest and digest" (aka. parasympathetic nervous system) is triggered, your blood vessels constrict in your extremities. Blood pools more around your vital areas (head and torso) this helps digest nutrients to transport to cells, and warms the central core of your body, again changing the location of the bulk of your blood to a more centralized area in general.

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The liver is the most blood-rich organ in the human body.

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The brain gets the most blood as well as the most energy: 20%.

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