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Papermaking originated in ancient China around the 2nd century BCE. It then spread to other parts of East Asia, such as Korea and Japan. From there, it eventually reached the Islamic world and became known in regions like Central Asia and the Middle East. Later, in the 12th century, papermaking technology was introduced to Europe through the Islamic world.

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Ancient China invented paper.

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Q: Where was paper making before it spread to Europe?
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Where did paper comes?

The use of paper spread from China through the Islamic world and entered production in medieval Europe in the 13th century, where the first water-powered paper mills were built and mechanization of paper making began.

What year did paper making begin in Europe?


How old is paper?

Some argument could be made that wasps made paper long before people by chewing wood and making their nests and this may have given peope the idea off how the material can be made. However man made paper goes back to China in approximately the 2nd century CE. History attributes the invention of the paper making process to the Han court eunuch Cai Lun. From China the process for making paper spread through the Islamic world then Europe in the 1100's.

Who brought paper making technique from china to Europe?

THe Chinese

Who found the process of recycling paper?

There is no record of who first recycled paper. It was part of the original paper making process as it developed in Europe. It may have originated earlier with paper making in Asia, but I do not know about this. When paper making was developed, during the Middle Ages, the paper was made mostly from recycled linen rags. At that time, paper was used as a replacement for vellum, which was very expensive, or such materials as papyrus, which decomposed easily. This made paper a valuable product, and any paper that could be recycled was reused in the paper making process.

How did philosophes spread their ideas?

By Mouth or it was written on paper untill Guttenburg Invented the printing press in the 16th-17th century, where philosphers like Luther spread there ideas throughout all of Europe.