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An apple because if you put it on someones stomache it will want to move around more than the Bowling ball would

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Q: Which has a greater force a bowling ball or an apple?
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Any amount of force can stop either kind of ball. But a greater force is required to stop a bowling ball than to stop a soccer ball IN THE SAME TIME, because the bowling ball has more mass, and therefore more momentum and more kinetic energy.

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The bowling ball is harder to stop because it has a greater mass, and therefore a greater momentum. But the answer is that the bowling ball has a greater mass.

Does a bowling ball have more force than a feather?

Well according to the equation Force = Mass x Acceleration. A bowling ball has more mass than a feather but it all depends on how much acceleration each is undergoing. Potentially a feather can have more force (if the bowling ball has an acceleration of zero, then there is no force being produced, and if the feather is accelerating at any speed greater than zero, thentechnicallyit has more force)

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If you drop an apple from your right hand and a bowling ball from your left off the roof of the bowling alley, they will hit the parking lot at the same time.

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What object has greater density a balloon or a bowling ball?

There's going to be a greater density in the bowling ball, because its ALOT heavier and isn't hallow like the balloon.