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An alkene is more reactive than alkyne. as double bond can donate pair of electron. while in tripple bond the bond length is less than double bond. Alkkynes have more attractive forces than alkene. so alkene is more reactive.

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14y ago
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9y ago

An alkyl group is a saturated hydrocarbon. All bonds are single bonds between two carbons or a carbon and a hydrogen. These bonds are hard to break so alkyl groups are not very reactive. An alkene has a double bond between two carbon atoms. A double bond is not as strong as two single bonds so one of the bonds is easily broken and replaced with another molecule. Double bonds are also electron rich and can donate their electrons to other molecules. This makes an alkene more reactive.

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13y ago

Alkenes are more reactive as they are connected to each other by double bonds so having free electrons in outer shell.

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9y ago

In aromatic aldehyde C6H5- group decrease electrophlicity by resonance. Due to this reactivity will be decrease

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10y ago

The difference is the degree of unsaturation.

In alkene, there is a double bond between two carbons.

In alkynes, there is a triple bond between two carbon atoms.

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14y ago

alkenes are more reactive due to presence of pi bond which is a weaker bond and easily undergoes the addition reaction.

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11y ago


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3y ago

benzene is more reactive

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