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Pluto was the farthest planet from the Sun from 1978 to 1999. However, it's worth noting that Pluto is no longer classified as a planet; it was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union.

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Vikas Babbar

Lvl 4
1w ago
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6y ago

It depends on what year you're talking about.

Here is a list of the planets thought to be the farthest (and when they were thought to be the farthest):

  • Ancient times to 3/13/1781 = Saturn was thought to be the farthest*
  • 3/13/1781 to 9/23/1846 = Uranus was thought to be the farthest
  • 9/23/1846 to 2/18/1930 = Neptune was thought to be the farthest
  • 2/18/1930 to 8/2006 = Pluto was thought to be the farthest
  • 8/2006 to present = Neptune is thought to be the farthest

*Note: Uranus was known in ancient times, but it was thought to be a star until 3/13/1781

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13y ago

From 1930 (when Pluto was discovered) to 1978, Pluto was the most distant planet. In 1978, Pluto slipped inside Neptune's orbit.

Neptune was the farthest planet from 1978 to 1999, and Pluto (which has a fairly high eccentricity) was farther away from 1999 to 2006.

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union "demoted" Pluto from Planet to Dwarf Planet, meaning that Neptune is once again the most distant planet.

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14y ago

The question is wrong. The answer it's looking for is "Neptune," but Neptune is the solar system's furthest planet from the Sun; no known planet exists outside Neptune's orbit.

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Mojtaba Bezan

Lvl 2
4w ago

Plutowas the farthest planet to the sun.

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