

Who developed liquid rocket fuel?

Updated: 1/3/2024
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8y ago

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The development of liquid rocket fuel is credited to Dr. Robert H. Goddard, an American physicist and engineer often referred to as the "father of modern rocketry." Goddard conducted extensive research and experiments on rocket propulsion in the early 20th century. In 1926, he successfully launched the world's first liquid-fueled rocket in Auburn, Massachusetts.

The rocket Goddard launched used liquid oxygen (LOX) as the oxidizer and gasoline as the fuel. This achievement marked a significant milestone in the history of rocketry, as it demonstrated the feasibility of using liquid propellants for powering rockets. Goddard continued to make advancements in rocket technology, and his work laid the foundation for the development of liquid rocket engines that played a crucial role in subsequent space exploration efforts.

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Mizanur Rahman

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Robert Goddard was the first to use liquid fuel in a rocket

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