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Q: Who did Wilson send to negotiate peace treaties in Paris?
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What was the purpose of the Paris Peace Conference in World War 1?

the Paris peace conference convened to negotiate the treaty and for the post ww1 peaceful world. it approved the proposal for the formation of the united nations

Who were the leaders at the Paris peace conferance?

Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and David Lloyd George

Why was the Versailles treaty held?

the Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties made after WWI. It ended the war between the allied powers and Germany. It was signed on June 28, 1919. It was written in six months at the Paris Peace conference.

What were the effects of the Paris Peace Conference?

The 1919-20 conference that drew up the peace treaties following the First World War. A second Paris Peace Conference in 1946 drafted the peace treaties (signed the following February) between the Allies and Italy, Finland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria following the Second World War.

Where was the peace conference held after World War 1 ended?

The peace conference to end the First World War was held in and around Paris and was known as the Paris Peace Conference. Technically the war itself did not end until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles with Germany in 1919. (Versailles is a former royal palace near Paris). The other treaties with the Central Powers were also signed in and around Paris - the Treaty of Trianon with Hungary, the Treaty of Sevres with the Ottoman Empire, and the Treaty of Saint Germain with Austria.