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Isaac newton discovered that earth pulls everything towards itself with a force.It is called gravity.

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Q: Who discovered that earth pulls everything towards itself with a force?
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Everything attracted towards the center of earth but gravity is zero at the center of earth.why?

There is nothing special about the center of the Earth itself; the attraction is in that direction, due to the accumulated effect of the attraction from different parts of the Earth. At the center of the Earth itself, the gravitational attraction towards the left, for example, by some pieces of planet Earth, would be exactly compensated by gravitational attraction towards the right, by other pieces of the planet.

Why doesnt earth just simply fall into the sun?

The Sun's gravity pulls the Earth towards the Sun but the Earth is also carried forward in its orbit by its momentum. Although the Earth curves towards the Sun continuously, it never falls in. The reason was discovered by Isaac Newton.

Why the Earth doesn't fall in the Sun?

Gravity is caused by mass, so objects with more mass, such as planets and stars, exert a lot of gravity. The earth and everything on it are constantly falling towards the sun because of the sun's immense gravity. ... Because of this sideways momentum, the earth is continually falling towards the sun and missing it.

What force does earth attracts another object towards itself?

The huge mass and density of the earth have a pull in objects in space. It is still unsure if Earth's magnetic field has any effect on this attraction.

The force at which the earth attracts another object towards itself?

The force that attracts other objects toward the Earth is called Earth's gravitational pull. The average strength of Earth's gravity, known as standard gravity, is 9.80665 m/s2

Related questions

Everything attracted towards the center of earth but gravity is zero at the center of earth.why?

There is nothing special about the center of the Earth itself; the attraction is in that direction, due to the accumulated effect of the attraction from different parts of the Earth. At the center of the Earth itself, the gravitational attraction towards the left, for example, by some pieces of planet Earth, would be exactly compensated by gravitational attraction towards the right, by other pieces of the planet.

How you are staying on earth as earth is round?

Gravity.The gravity of the earth is always pulling everything towards it. Nothing can fall off the earth because everything wants to fall towards the center of the planet.Even the moon is being pulled towards the earth. That's the only thing that keeps it from drifting off into space.

Do you believe that everything has already been discovered on earth?

No. Far from it. (An enthusiastic 'ditto')

Does the gravity of the earth pulls everything down or the universe itself stretch and push everything down?


Does the gravity of earth pull everything down or the universe itself stretch and push everything down?


Why does the earth does not repel a human body but attract towards itself?

its because of Earth's mass is greater than that of a body