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Donnel Christopher Ycong Imson

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Q: Who discovered the fossils of 'Java Man' pithecanthropus erectus?
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How did Java Man live?

Java man is the name given to some of the first Homo erectus fossils to be discovered.They were recovered in 1891 by Eugène Dubois who initially gave Java man the species name Pithecanthropus erectus. His identification of the species as a human ancestor was widely dismissed at the time until further Homo erectus fosssils were found.

Where was homo erectus first found?

The earliest hominid fossil was found in 1974. it's species lived for about seven million years ago and it was called Lucy

Where was the Homo Erectus found?

The genus Homo erectus was originated in Africa and spread all the way to China and Java. They were considered to be a direct ancestor of modern humans. They migrated during the Early Pleistocene around 2.0 million years ago and spread around to the rest of the Old World. Scientists have found fossilized remains that were 1.8 and 1.0 million years old. Some Scientist believe that Homo erectus and Homo ergaster are separate species, but others think they are one group called (Homo sapiens). There are other closely related species like Homo georigicus, and Homo habilis. Homo ergaster is an extinct homo species. They lived in southern and eastern Africa about 1.9 million years ago (during the Pliocene epoch). They are probably extinct because of their deformities. Such as their thinner skull bones, lack of an obvious supraorbital sulcus, protruding face, and lower forehead. These deformities caused them many disadvantages. The population of Homo georgicus is very small. There fossils are about 1.8 million years old. There remains were discovered in 1991 by David Lordkipanidze and his international team. A partial skeleton was discovered in 2001. They also found Implements and animal bones alongside the ancient homo remains. Homo habilis lived from 2.5-1.6 million years ago. Mary and Louis Leakey found fossils in Tanzania, East Africa between 1962 and 1964. Homo habilis is the earliest known species of Homo erectus. Homo habilis is the least similar species to modern humans than any other homo type. Homo habilis were short and had unusually long arms. Homo erectus people started being found in the early 1960s. Erectus is one of the better known members of genus Homo. Some people think that erectus is a wrong group of organisms. Others think that they should be split into many groups. That they split up Asia and then Africa. Questions about how Homo erectus evolved are still under disagreement. Homo erectus means "upright man" who lived about 1.8 million years ago. They disappeared about 70,000 years ago. Homo erectus people are right in the middle of Homo habilis and Homo sapiens. Homo erectus is thought as an ancestor of Homo sapiens. Homo erectus people had more human like characteristics, for example a more upright-standing. They also had a larger brain. Their brains were 75% the size of Homo sapiens. Their heads were less sloping, their teeth were smaller, and they developed more complex tools. Some of those tools were used for 1.2 million years ago to about 500,000 years ago. Some of the tools I talked about in the last paragraph allowed Homo erectus people to defend themselves for the very first time. One of their tools was fire. They might have tried to control fire, which is not a typical behavior for Homo erectus. The harnessing of fire started about 100,000 years ago. Homo genus is the fourth of the great apes. Homo sapiens are the only surviving member of the homo group. Chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans are all part of the homo family. Homo erectus lived between 1.8 and about 500,000 years ago. They emerged in Africa and migrated as far as Southeast Asia. Homo erectus people look very similar to modern humans. Homo erectus people didn't have the ability for complex speech. Homo people were the first people to move out of Africa and the first to use fire in a controlled way. They were the first people to make a tool industry that make hand axes. Homo erectus is not only one species it is many species of homo. They are all our ancestors too. There are Homo habilis, Homo georgicus, and Homo ergaster. There are probably many more species of homo. Well that's all for now. By Alyssa Wheeler

Who found homo erecus?

Eugene Dubois (Dutch) found what we now call a homo erectus in East Java in the 18 90's.Several unnamed Chinese archeologists found remains that were described by Davidson Black (Canada) and Franz Weidenreich (Germany)

When did homo erectus live?

The Homo erectus existed between 1.8 million years ago and 300,000 years ago. It is possible that there were still some Homo erectus alive around 250,000 years ago.One AnswerIn the beginning on the sixth day of creation. Another AnswerActually the just recently found new remains on java that only date back to 50,000 years.They found one that was only 15,000 years old