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Wilhelm Griesinger (b.1817 d.1886), German neurologist, psychiatrist, and specialist for internal medicine who produced the first psychiatric nosology based on psychological phenomena, stated in the sixth chapter of his book "Pathologie und Therapie der Psychischen Krankheiten" (Pathology and Therapy of Mental Disorders):

"A classification of psychiatric diseases according to anatomical deviations in the brain is impossible at the present time, but, just as the whole class of insanities is only symptomatological, it follows that only different symptom complexes, i.e. different models of insanity, can be presented initially as its various forms. Instead of using the anatomical principle of classification, we have to adhere to the functional, physiological and, since the disturbances of imagination and will are the main and most noticeable ones, this classification will be psychological. Mental illness, therefore, is to be classified according to the type of psychological anomaly. While it is now, however, the task for clinical teaching to emphasize and analyse the diversity of mental disorders in actual cases of illness, it is nosology's task to suffice with a listing of a few main categories ("Hauptgruppen") for mental disorders; with a few basic psychological abnormal conditions determined by the same characteristic signs presenting themselves in a great number of cases and, therefore, to which all variations of individual illnesses can be traced back. It is mainly here that we have to describe these basic conditions and their outward appearance and, admittedly, the varieties and boundaries between the individual forms need to be given good consideration; this is, however, something which can never be done in exhaustive detail. ..." (page 211)

(translation O. Maeser / A. M. Simma)

from: Wilhelm Griesinger: "Pathologie und Therapie der Psychischen Krankheiten", 2. Aufl., Berlin 1867, Nachdruck des Verlages E. J. Bonset, Amsterdam, 1967

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No, a psychiatric diagnosis cannot be verified on an objective level. Only in mind it can be proven and decided weather a psychiatric diagnosis applies or not.A psychiatric diagnosis is based on psychological symptoms also called psycho-pathological phenomena (gr. phainomenon -- that which appears). Psychological symptoms and psycho-pathological phenomena appear in a persons mind.Because psychiatric phenomena are ideal objects an objective prove on a physical level is not possible but only subjectively one can ponder in mind if a psychiatric phenomenon (psycho-pathological phenomenon) is present or not.When specific psychiatric phenomena are recognized a psychiatric diagnosis (diagnosis of a mental disorder) is attained.Since psychiatric diagnoses are based on ideal objectsthe categories of a psychiatric classification (e.g. DSM-IV or ICD-10 classification) have been defined and determined by agreement on an ideal level.Therefore psychiatric diagnoses are subjective knowledge and at the same time relative knowledge referring to concepts determined by agreement.In contrast certain medical diagnoses are objective knowledge.In case of certain medical conditions it can be proven if specific parameters are present or not (e.g. a bone fracture is determined by an X-ray, a myocardial infarction is proven by elevated blood enzymes, typical electrocardiographic findings and so on) and in this way a diagnosis which is objective knowledge can be reached because every body agrees if the specific signs are present. Therefore such knowledge is not dependent on an agreement.With the philosophy of Immanuel Kant out of the "Critique of Pure Reason" the difference of medical diagnoses to psychiatric diagnoses can be explained in detail and although the consequences following thereof.

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Further assessment, testing, and evaluation is necessary for a definitive diagnosis and devising an appropriate treatment plan.

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