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Q: Who Prepared UN Human Development report?
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C'est quoi les Homo sapiens sapiens?

Homo Sapiens Sapiens est le terme scientifique pour un être humain

Cual es el continente que tiene un gran numero de poblacion indigena?

El continente con un gran número de población indígena es América. Incluye grupos indígenas como los amerindios en América del Norte y América Central, los nativos americanos en Estados Unidos y los pueblos indígenas de América del Sur, como los quechua y los mapuches.

Difference between early man and modern man?

Early Man vs Modern ManEarly man and modern man could be easily distinguished from each other as the differences in lifestyle would provide a better platform to discuss rather than the anatomy and morphology. The question of defining an early man should be cleared out first as it either could be the first of man-like apes, known as Australopithecus afarensis, or the aboriginal people. Interestingly, recent fossil evidence reveals that the complexity of human evolution is very high and the present knowledge is far from truth. Thus, instead of being lost in the history which is few million years old and barely known, it would rather make more sense to discuss the recent early men, the aborigines. Indeed, the aboriginal men are in the same taxonomic group, Homo sapiens, as the modern man.Early ManAustralian Aborigines, Red Indians, Sri Lankan Veddas, Japanese Ainu, Kung Bushmen of Africa, Mayans of Mexico… etc were some of the dominant inhabitants of the Earth before the establishment of the modern man. They are culturally different among themselves, and the geographical boundaries viz. oceans have been the main extrications. These early men lived with the nature and, most importantly, they utilized the natural resources in a sustainable manner. Indigenous people lived in tribes those were composed of family units while some were nomadic. These un-urbanized self and sustaining societies had very simple lifestyles with primary hunting methods and simply sheltered houses. They followed in spiritual beliefs more often than not. The development of technology was very low during the time they were thriving on the Earth, which was at least several thousand years ago from the present. The communication between distant places was primary as the loud sounds were frequently used as signals to others. Travelling and transportation took more time and effort to complete. At present the indigenous people or true early man is declining in numbers. There are only about 5000 of them living in over 70 countries.Modern ManModern man is vastly different culturally among continents as well as among countries. In addition, these cultural differences could extend even more within a country. With the globalization takes place, those cultural differences will become narrower. Physical barriers within modern men could not restrict them to isolate from others as the technologies arose to travel and transport over oceans and through aerial routes. Lifestyle of modern man is complex with increasing needs for several things viz. food, shelter, power, money, attraction… etc. Hunting has become a least interested foraging method hence, livestock management has become prominent for the need of proteins. One of the sounding characteristics of the modern man is the development of communication techniques. Through internet, e-mailing, social networking, and telephones the communication has developed. However, the modern man is still in the increasing mode in terms of population size, it was almost 6. 8 Billion by 2009.Early Man Vs Modern ManRead more:

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