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Europeans forced millions of Africans to work as slaves in the New World. They were captured from various regions of Africa and transported across the Atlantic Ocean to work on plantations, mines, and in other forms of labor in the Americas. This brutal and exploitative system of slavery played a significant role in the economic development of European colonies in the New World.

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because Africans don't get sick like the Europeans do

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Q: Whp did Europeans force to work as slaves in the New World?
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What groups of people did the Europeans force to work as slaves in the New World their indentured servants from the Old World?

Europeans forced those bought through the slave trade in Africa to work as indentured servants.

What group of people did the Europeans force to work as slaves in the new world?

Most of the people the Europeans brought over to the New World as slaves were West Africans from the central an western part of Africa. This was known as the Atlantic slave trade.

What groups of people did the Europeans force to work as slaves in the New World?

Most of the people the Europeans brought over to the New World as slaves were West Africans from the central an western part of Africa. This was known as the Atlantic slave trade.

Which was NOT a reason the Europeans began importing slaves to their colonies?

Europeans imported slaves to America to work the fields. They did not bring slaves over to give them freedom in the New World.

What group of people did the European force to work as slaves in the new world?

Most of the people the Europeans brought over to the New World as slaves were West Africans from the central an western part of Africa. This was known as the Atlantic slave trade.

What groups of people did the Europeans forced to work as slaves in the New World?

Most of the people the Europeans brought over to the New World as slaves were West Africans from the central an western part of Africa. This was known as the Atlantic slave trade.