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Ammonia is collected in inverted gas jar because it is lighter than air.

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Ammonia, being lighter than air, is collected by the downward displacement of air in an inverted gas jar.

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Q: Why ammonia gas is collected in an inverted gas jar?
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Bromine gas is put into 1 jar and then a gas jar of air is placed over it after a few minutes the bromine gas can be seen filling both gas jars why?

What has occured is a process called diffusion, which is the spreading of particles from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. The particles in any gas move quicly and in all directions and fill their container because there are no bonds between them. The jar with the bromine gas has a higher concentration of the gas particles, they move through the air particles to the jar with the lower concentration of bromine gas until they are dispersed evenly throughout the jar, hence the gas can be seen filling both jars. The same would happen with a clear gas but bromine is used for demonstration purposes as it has a colour and so the process can be seen clearly.

Is air sealed in a jar a gas?

Yes it's a gas, and if it is 'air' then it's a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, argon and tiny amounts of other gasses.

I smelled too much ammonia in the lab today and it was like 50 ml jar and I'm having headache is there any danger?

In addition to being a chemical agent, ammonia is a natural waste product of amino acid metabolism and is generated inside your body constantly. Therefore your body possesses the appropriate pathways to clear ammonia if the exposure is mild. However, if the headache does not subside within a day or two, contact a doctor.

Why collect hydrogen gas in a test tube rather than glass jar?

It is so it is easy to burn (with a squeaky pop!)

Which gas makes burning magnesium go out immediatley?

The diagram shows four gas-jars. Each contains a different gas. Burning magnesium is put into each jar. air,exhailed air, nitrogen, oxagen

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What physical property of carbon dioxide allows gas to be collected?

As it is a gas, it can flow into a jar, i think .............................

What is the jar called that collects a gas?

Glass lids are slid under the gas jar when gases are being collecting. This is so the water vapor is collected.

How would you capture hydrogen from a chemical reaction of an acid and a metal?

The hydrogen in such a reaction can effectively be collected using an apparatus called the gas jar. THis can be done by fitting the reaction flask with cork and a delivery tube running from the reaction flask to the gas jar. As the reaction proceed, the hydrogen evolved will be collected in the gas jar.

What is Diagram of preparation of dry ammonia gas?

ammonia is prepared by adding any ammonium salt to an alkali. a vivid mixture of slaked lime and calcium chloride are placed in a round bottomed hard glass flask. the glass is inserted in a retort stand with its mouth facing downwards with a delivery tube inserted from the glass to a drying glass containing quicklime or calcium oxide. a gas jar is inverted above the drying glass...

Will a candle burn twice as longer in an inverted liter jar than in a half-liter jar?

Yes. There is twice as much oxygen in a liter jar.

What happens when a gas jar containing air is inverted over a gas jar containing brown red bromine vapour?

Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration. As NO2 is heavier than air, diffusion takes place and hence after some time the brown colour is seen in jar containing air. Geethanjali Somisetty