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Oil, gas and diamonds are valuable natural products of carbon/carbonates.

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Q: Why are geologist interested in the percentage of carbonate in certain rocks and minerals?
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What is a minerals acc to geologist?

geologist define minerals as a homogenous,naturally occurring substances with a definable internal structure."

What do carbon minerals contain?

Most carbonate minerals are either calcium carbonate (limestone) or a mixture of calcium carbonate with magnesium carbonate (dolomite). However other metals can also combine with carbonate to produce much rarer carbonate minerals.

Studies rocks and minerals?


What scientist studies rock and minerals and earths land forms?

A geologist.

What are carbonate minerals?

Examples of carbonate minerals would be calcite, dolomite, and aragonite. These are widely distributed in the Earth's crust. Less common carbonate minerals include siderite, rhodochrosite, strontianite, smithsonite, witherite, and cerussite. Minerals that are considered to be carbonates contain the carbonate ion, CO32−

Why would a geologist need hydrochloric acid and a hand lens?

Hydrochloric acid reacts with carbonate containing minerals (such as limestone) to release carbon dioxide (makes it fizz). By hand lens, I am assuming that you mean a magnifying glass. This would be important to view the details of the crystalline form of various rocks and minerals (I am not a geologist, though, so I am guessing here).