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High triglycerides are bad because they increase the risk of Heart disease. Triglycerides are a type of lipid found in fats and are the part of fats that are harmful to your body

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Q: Why are high triglycerides levels a bad thing?
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Is a 4 tornado bad?

If you mean to say F4 or EF4, yes. These ratings are the second highest on the Fujita and Enhanced Fujita scales respectively, both of which run from 0 to 5. They reflect similar levels of severity. An (E)F4 tornado will completely level well-constructed homes and blow away weaker structures. Trees may be stripped of their bark. Tornadoes this violent are often large and have been known to destroy entire neighborhoods.

How bad does a tragus piercing hurt?

Not Badly at all. I got mine done yesterday and it was almost completley painless. It hut much less then my triple cartilage piercing or my double lobe.

Had your tragus pierced 4 days ago and it still hurts any ideas also how long does it take for the swelling to go down?

i got my tragus pierced yesterday and it hurts pretty bad. it heels about 3 months or so

The difference between a protogonist and an anagonist?

A protagonist is the main character of a story. An antagonist is the oppositionist to the protagonist. Contrary to popular belief, a protagonist doesn't necessarily mean they are a "good guy" or the like, and an antagonist doesn't mean they are a "bad guy". An explanation of this could be that plenty of literature centers a protagonist who could be considered "evil".

Are hurricanes worse than tornadoes or are tornadoes worse than hurricanes?

This cannot be answered simply, as both hurricanes and tornadoes vary greatly in how bad they are. The impacts of both tornadoes and hurricanes can range from negligible to devastating. That said, the very worst hurricanes can be far deadlier and more destructive than the worst tornadoes.

Related questions

Where can a listing of triglyceride levels be found?

Many experts believe that high triglycerides may be a sign of other heart disease risk factors. That is, high triglyceride levels could multiply the bad effects of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Is Carlo Rossi Sangria bad for you if you have high cholesterol?

It's not specifically bad for cholesterol levels, but it's horrible for triglycerides, and can contribute to inflamaiton of arterial lining, thus perhaps just as bad or worse than high cholesterol for cardio-vascular health and longevity.

What types of information can be learned on a lab report on cholesterol?

You will find the total results of all your cholesterol levels, your individual levels of good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol. You will also see your triglycerides level.

What are some potential negative health effects that individuals with high triglyceride may suffer?

High Triglycerides go hand-in-hand with high cholesterol. High cholesterol is known to be linked to heart diseases and heart attacks. With the increase of triglycerides (bad cholesterol), you run a greater risk of heart problems.

What do elevated triglyceride levels mean?

Triglyceride levels are part of your cholesterol count. Increased levels mean that you have too much bad fat in your bloodstream. Bad fat is meat fat (including dairy), butter, or any fat that remains a solid at room temperature. To lower your levels, stop eating bad fats or at least cut down. It has also been shown that Omega-3 will help lower those levels.

Is a high triglyceride unhealthy?

Triglycerides are molecules that regulate blood flow. Having a high level is bad because it is associated with heart disease. It is very unhealthy to have high Triglyceride level.