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Actually, Japanese people are the most polite, they were raised to respect their elders and they are interested in their education, unlike Americans who fight with their parents and don't want to I don't know what you're talking about...

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Q: Why are some Japanese people so mean?
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Are Koreans racist?

In general, they are not racists. It depends on each individual. Rather, the general public accept one another very favorably. Some extreme left or right elements on Korean side dislike Japanese en bloc, remembering the time when Japanese military regime occupied Korea from 1910 to 1945, committing acts of brutality and atrocity on Korean people. Up until the year 1910, Korea had been an independent country for many thousand years and had mostly been peaceful with only occasional warfare with some invading forces from China and Japan. No wonder some of them, though very small in number, dislike Japanese. But ordinary people do not havour any grudge against Japanese, and it goes, many believe, the same with Japanese people. Toward some other races? Not such thing to speak of.

Why do people think that they are so smart?

Some people think that they r so smart so they give attitude & some people use their smartness...

Why do humans think they are so good?

probably because weve gotten so far and that weve done so many things and we think we are just so superior. but ye i kno what u mean

How can people be so mean?

People are mean normally if they're in a bad mood, have been mean to or something similar to this!! People are in bad moods often and I'm sometimes in a bad mood myself but my friends and family will remind me not to take it out on other people, but some people can't help it, and have a tendency of taking it out on other people. If you ever do this or if I ever do this I hope you apologize or try to remember to.. Or,, just try not to even be mean!! People have feelings and it hurts when they get hurt!!

Why do women judge so quickly?

The question makes an assumption, is a generalisation and is not true of all women.Some women do so because of insufficient evidence, some because they have insight into certain people or things. Some are knowledgeable about certain subjects