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Q: Why are you not able to see an image in the surface?
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Why you are not able to see your image on the sheet of paper?

An Image is formed only when there is parallel reflection of light rays that falls on the surface..... Like in Mirror, the surface is plane, while in case of Paper, the surface is irregular or zic zag and hence the reflected rays are not parallel to each other and so no image is formed.

To see an image on a flat smooth surface?


What is a very smooth surface able to clearly reflect light to form a virtual image?

That surface would be called a "mirror".

Why do you see your self in the mirror?

Mirrors have a special surface, usually at the back, that reflects light. This means that light that strikes the mirror's special surface bounces back. Light coming from you goes to the mirror's surface, bounces back and some of that light enters your eyes so that you are able to see your own image.

Why don't you see your reflects image when you look at a Rough white surface?

Severe distortion.

Why do you able see virtual and irect image when the lens which is in your eye is convex and it forms real and inverted image?

-- You don't 'see' a virtual image, unless it somehow continues to your eye and forms a real image there. -- The image formed on the light-sensitive surface of your eye is, as you said, real and inverted. The brain does a neat job of interpreting it as an erect image. When experimental subjects are fitted with glasses that invert the image before it enters the eye, so that it arrives at the retina upside-down, the subject's brain is able to make the correction within a few hours and everything works fine again.