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People shifted from hunters and gatherers to farmers because farming allowed for a more reliable and abundant food supply. By domesticating plants and animals, early humans could produce their own food instead of relying solely on hunting and foraging. This shift also led to the development of settled communities, the division of labor, and the eventual establishment of civilizations.

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Because farming turned out to be a safer, more reliable, and easier way to get food.

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Q: Why did people shift from hunters and gatherers to farmers?
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What is the difference between a hunter-gatherer and a agricultural village?

A hunter-gatherer society relies on hunting animals and gathering wild plants for food, whereas an agricultural village practices farming and domesticating animals for sustenance. Hunter-gatherers typically move frequently to follow food sources, while agricultural villages are settled and cultivate crops in a designated area. The transition from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to an agricultural one marked a significant shift in human history, leading to the development of more complex societies.

What were some factors that helped cro-magnon and neanderthals spread around the world?

The Sahara Pump. Usually, the Sahara Desert acts as an obstacle to migration. But there are times when the rain patterns shift, and plants and trees grow in the Sahara. During such times, migration out of Africa is possible.

The shift to systematic agriculture was the real change in what?

neolithic revolutionAnswerPeople were able to settle down into permanent housing since there would be a reliable source of food. It may have also allowed the population to increase. Previously, they traveled seasonally so that they could take advantage of gathering food from another area.

What clothes did the slaves wear when they were working?

In the book TO BE A SLAVE the former slaves state they were given one pair of loose fitting pants, a shirt, a jacket, and a hat. Sometimes shoes. The women wore a shift type dress. House slaves were dresses more formally than field slaves.

What historical period led to the greatest changes in the social life of early man?

The Neolithic period, also known as the New Stone Age, led to the greatest changes in the social life of early humans. During this time, around 10,000 BCE, humans transitioned from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agricultural communities. This shift allowed for the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, the division of labor, and the emergence of complex social structures and institutions.