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because i told them to do so. ;)

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Q: Why do bubbles go to the top of the water?
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If you took soda into zero gravity which way would the bubbles go?

The bubbles would acumilate in to one "mega" bubble at the middle of the water bubble. Then, after some time it will burst the water bubble, and escape in to the surrounding air.

Why milk overflows when boiled and not water?

Let's note some observations. When water is boiled, the liquid water gains thermal energy, becomes steam, comes to the top as bubbles and burst to go into the atmosphere. Similarly, when milk is boiled, the water turns to steam bubbles which move to the surface of the milk in the form of bubbles. But they cannot burst to the atmosphere easily because of the layer of fat on milk. The bubbles moving to the top continue to push the fat layer due to their kinetic energy. They cannot burst since they the pressure inside the bubble is less than that of the outside. When the fat layer surpasses the vessel walls, it results in the overflowing of milk. If you boil the milk after once allowing it to boil over or removing the fat layer, the boiling will induce overflow with lesser intensity when compared to that with the the fat present. The lesser boiling over takes place because of the remaining fat in the milk. Water does not boil over because it does not have any top layer which prevents the bursting of gas bubbles.

Why do bubbles form when you split up water?

When you split water you form hydrogen and oxygen gas. The gases are the bubbles.

How bubbles affect how fast does water freezes?

it affects the water because the bubbles have oxygen inside them which causes pressure

Why does bubbles appear when you squeeze a water spnoge?

bubbles appear when you squeeze a wet sponge because as well as pushing the water out you are pushing the air out to, there fore creating bubbles....