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Q: Why do clothes turn inside out in a washing machine?
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Why do clothes pockets turn inside out in a clothes dryer?

It's just because pockets can turn inside out from the action of the dryer. Some clothes dry best if they are put into the dryer inside out anyway.

How is stomach similar to a washing machine?

it similar to a washin machine because it mix food turn them into molecules

How do you stop washing machine from moving during spin cycle?

It is moving because an unbalanced load makes the machine vibrate and "walk " when it is on the spin cycle. Stop the machine, open the lid. You will find more clothes on one side. Redistribute the clothes evenly around the washer, close lid, restart.

Why does washing machine leak as soon as you turn it on?

The washing machine leaks as soon as it is turned on is probably due to an obstructed flow. Check the drainage hose, and make necessary adjustments.

Why does dark laundry come out with white dust or lint on it?

Are you using washing powders or liquid? If you are using powder, then this is soap residue from incompletely dissolved powder. Put the washing powder in FIRST because it will have more time to dissolve before being spread throughout the wash. Also use less powder. Most manufacturers provide a graduated measuring scoop to gauge the size of the load. Most likely you are using too much powder for the size of your load. A rule of thumb when you are washing darks is to use about 1/4 less soap than you think you need. A little practice will ensure that the clothes will be clean but spot free using less washing powders. Other causes might be that you are crowding your machine. Put your wash in dry before you turn on the machine. The clothes should fit in the machine without pushing them down or packing. After all, the water must circulate throughout the clothes freely much like washing yourself. When there is too much in the machine, the clothes don't turn with the agitator and the washing materials don't dissolve correctly because the clothes are pressing on the soap, sticking to the clothes. When was the last time you wiped out your machine? Like all surfaces anywhere, the drum of your machine needs to be cleaned periodically. Soap residue will cling to the bottom and the sides of your machine just like your kitchen sink. A wipe about once a month will take care of the problem. If you use a liquid fabric softener in your machine, skip adding it when you wash darks. Fabric softener is another culprit. You have added enough softener when you washed the whites and brights so there is sufficient softener clinging to the sides of the machine when you do darks. Finally, check pockets carefully when you wash. Turn out deep pockets so that the lint in them can fall out in the wash cycle. This will prevent accidental washing of tissues and receipts which will leave lint on your clothes.

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When do you load the clothes into washing machine?

Okay people, here is how you load a washing machine, *Turn the washing machine on, *Put the recommended amount of detergent in, *put your clothes in - unfold and turn clothing inside out - do not overfill the machine *close the lid. DONE!!! Another This is my procedure for a top loading machine: Turn on, add appropriate amount of soap powder/detergent, start water until powder dissolves, add laundry then continue water to fill, close lid & start wash/rinse cycle.

Why is washing machine makes the man's life easier?

At one time, a woman spent an hour with a washboard washing and rinsing clothes. Today she uses less than a minute to put those close in her washing machine, pour in detergent, set the knobs, and turn on the machine. It takes less than a minute to move the clothes from the washing machine to they dryer. Thus, the washing machine has reduced an hours work to two minutes. That has made her life easier.

What happens when you have mascara in you pocket in your jeans and you forget to take it out and you put it in the washing machine?

All your clothes can turn gray, if the mascara leaks out and it probably will.

What is the effect of washing clothes with bath soap?

it will turn invisible

How do you stop water from gushing out the powder tray of the washing machine?

just put a bucket under the door of your washing machine! Call a plumber and turn the washing machine off in the mean time.

What is the best method for washing expensive clothes ie. affliction apparel xtreme cotoure?

Turn it inside out and wash it in cold water with an all color detergent.