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There are no winds in the doldrums, so they can't catch any wind and move.

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Q: Why do sailors avoid sailing in the doldrums?
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What is the windless zone at the equator which sailing vessels try to avoid?


What is the windless zone at the equator sailing vessels try to avoid?

movement winds. It is called the doldrums. It goes for days of sailing with shifting winds, no wind, lots of squalls, and basically unpredictable weather.

What are the doldrums characteristics?

Doldrums is the areas where the wind pressure is negligible . It is at 10 degree equator.Earlier the sailors use to feel at doldrums when they reach this area. doldrums has become a word synonymous to the condition where you can do nothing. Like wise sailors were, when no wind was there to steer their ships to the destination

Where were sailing ships becalmed?

In an area that was known as the Doldrums

What does fly windless along the equator mean?

It means you have the doldrums (it's a sailing term). A low-pressure nearly windless zone at the Equator is known as the doldrums.

What is a windless zone at Earth's equator where air rises almost straight up called?

Sailors used to refer to a windless area of the sea as the doldrums.