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Because there are no contact forces acting on us. Gravity is the only acting on us.

A body experiences weightlessness when gravity is the only force acting on it.

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Q: Why do we experience weightlessness in space?
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How do you put weightlessness in a sentence?

In space, there is no gravity and one would experience weightlessness.

A sentence using the word weightlessness?

In space, there is no gravity and one would experience weightlessness.

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No. The weightlessness you experience in space is because you are essentially in freefall. Standing on the surface of the moon you would notice its gravity.

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You would experience weightlessness but your mass would not change.

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Weightlessness occurs in space. Astronauts circling the earth in space experience the feeling of weightlessness.

Is there any space words that start with the letter z?

Astronauts In space experience weightlessness. It commonly is referred to as zero gravity.