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You see objects because visible light( a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum) is reflected off the surface of something into your eye. All different colors have a different wavelength which defines their frequency. When you see a red object, that object is absorbing all the colors except for red which is then reflected into your eye.

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Q: Why do you see objects and their color?
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How do you see color objects?

you see coloured objects by the light. light makes the color of the object

Why color objects s are the color they are?

The color is reflected by the light to your eyes. That is why you see color.

Why objects appear the color you see?

It appears the color of light it reflects.

Why are objects the color they are?

because whatever color you see is the color the object reflects in light.

How can we see objects and color?

You can see objects because your retina is sensitive to light and you eyeball can focus it. You can't "see" color - that's a frequency coding illusion that your brain makes up for you.

Can transparent objects can have color?

Yes, you can see a color when light of a certain wavelength reaches your eye.