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Well, when we consider that the first civilizations such as the ones in the Indus valley, Mesopotamian, China and Egypt we find that the people that settle there and formed sedentary life style were first hunter gathers and that for the first couple of centuries they basically stayed that way..

Yet, as the group became larger within the civilization there was a greater need for food which lead to greater need for agriculture.. so my answer to you is that a sedentary life style lead to agriculture and not the other way around...

Oh.. I know your teacher is most likely looking for a specific answer that he or she believes is correct but.. if you turn the question around and give him a logical answer that shows critical thinking your teacher will be amazed...^^ if he is cool like me..^^

One YouTube video you may want to watch is: History of Man. from hunter gatherer to agricultural. part 1 - 9

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