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The rib cage is not a solid sheet like the skull because it protects the heart and the lungs

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Q: Why do you think the rib cage is not a solid sheet like the skull?
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Why do you think the rib cage is not solid sheet like the skull?

If the ribcage were a solid sheet like the skull, it would be difficult for the thoracic cavity to expand and contract with inspiration and expiration.

What protects better the soild sheet or the cage?

come on such an easy question obviously its the solid sheet masuma raza

What bone are like a helmet or cage?

helmet = skull cage = ribs (as in "rib cage")

Which offers better protection the sheet or the cage?

the sheet

Does the skull form a cage around the lungs and the heart?

The skull provides protection for the brain. The ribs form a cage to protect the heart and lungs.

Do snakes have a skull?

Yes they do ! They have a complete skeleton including skull, spine and rib-cage.