

Why does diffusion occurs?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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To reach an equilibrium of concentrated solute particle. It's the process by which particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

A simple reason why this occurs is that particles are always bouncing off each other, and an area with a high concentration of particles would be harder for a particle to bounce into than one with very few particles.

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13y ago

Diffusion occurs to maintain equilibrium in an organism.

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Where in the human body does simple diffusion occur?

Simple diffusion occurs in many parts of the human body. Some of these include in the lungs, the skin and in the kidneys.

How long does it take for diffusion to occur?

Diffusion will constantly take place. However the net transfer of particles will cease when a concentration equilibrium occurs. I.e. you have a piece of iron with 0% carbon. you put it into a 20% carbon atmosphere. The carbon will diffuse into the iron until the concentration of carbon is the same in both the iron and the atmosphere. Diffusion will then still occur, but there will be diffusion to the bar and diffusion from the bar at the same rate.

What is transverse diffusion?

One of the possible of lipid movements in membrane is a transverse diffusion. In a transverse diffusion a lipid flip flops from one leaflet to the other leaflet. It's rare, and spontaneous. It occurs rarely because of the big amount of energy required for transferring the polar head through the hydrophobic layer. However in certain conditions, it's possible that a protein called flipase will catalyze the process.

Why is diffusion important to animals?

Because diffusion is how chemicals travel in and out of the animal's cells. If diffusion didn't occur then the animal would die.

What is the difference between passive diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

Passive diffusion is what naturally happens without any assistance of any sort. Facilitated diffusion requires extra energy from extra sources to happen.